01 Measure

01 Measure
We measured Scope 1, 2 and 3 cradle-to-customer emissions following categories and approaches established in the Climate Neutral standards.

GHG Scope 1 = 22.97t CO2e

Emissions from energy used in buildings, fleets, and equipment.

GHG Scope 2 = 0.54t CO2e

Indirect emissions from electricity.

GHG Scope 3 = 6,736.94t CO2e

Emissions from raw materials, manufacturing, shipping, air travel, and other activities in the supply chain.

Total Emissions (2024): 6,760.45t CO2e

The sum of scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

02 Offset

02 Offset
By setting a Science Based Target Initiative, we have committed to reducing our carbon emissions, both in the near term and the long-term. For the carbon emissions we have not been able to reduce yet, we offset these emissions through investment in projects outside of their value chain. This step supports our climate neutrality designation and enables us to take responsibility for historical emissions while we actively work to continue reducing overall emissions released.

Emissions Offset Total (2023): 13,766t CO2e

For reference, reducing a footprint by 1,000 tonnes is roughly equal to removing 230 passenger vehicles from the road for a year.

Our carbon credits came from:

Renewable Energy

We invested in solar project in multiple states across India, a photovoltaic project in Rajasthan, and a wind power project in Tamil Nadu. These projects will replace greenhouse gases emissions connected to the Indian grid, which is mainly dominated by thermal/fossil fuel based power plants.

03 Reduce

in the work
03 Reduce
Our climate roadmap aims to tackle emissions across all aspects of our operations and supply chain, with a particular focus on our emissions ‘hotspots.’ We don’t have all the answers, and our roadmap will evolve over time as new solutions emerge, but here are some of the steps we are currently taking to decarbonize our own operations and partner with our suppliers to reduce emissions in our supply chain. We've set targets and identified ways to reduce our emissions that come from our day-to-day operations and supply chain. These actions will enable us to emit fewer emissions in the future align with our Science-based Target Initiative.

Current Year Reduction Actions

We are implementing a Reduction Action Plan to reduce emissions from within our its own operations and supply chain.
01 Reduce Emissions From Fossil Fuels at the Factory
How We'll Reduce It
We’ll eliminate the use of coal in our supply chains by 2030 at the latest, and encourage suppliers to switch to renewable energy and set emissions reduction targets.
02 Reduce Emissions from Shipping
How We'll Reduce It
We’re switching to lower-impact delivery methods such as electric vehicles (EVs). In 2023, 25% of online orders in Canada were delivered by EV.

03 Reduce Emissions from Offices
How We'll Reduce It
We’ve teamed up with BullFrog Power, a fellow B Corp, to ensure our offices run on 100% renewable electricity.
04 Reduce the Volume of Virgin Materials we use in our Product.
How We'll Reduce It
We will increase recycled material use by 25%. We're always working on new ways to do better by our planet, from making our business fully circular by 2025, to implementing tracing software in our supply chains. For the products that do use virgin materials, we aim to use Preferred Materials, which amount to 99% of our fiber use. Preferred Materials have lower impact, pertaining to the categories of climate, water, chemistry, land use, biodiversity, resource use & waste, and human rights from the Textile Exchange Preferred Fiber and Materials Matrix.

In Progress Reductions

01 Factory Emissions
How We'll Reduce It
We are actively working to reduce emissions throughout all areas of our value chain. By collaborating through industry-related working groups, we are trying to find ways to continue to make further progress, using industry experience to support us on this journey.
02 Air Freight Emissions
How We'll Reduce It
We are working to use air freight as little as possible, opting instead for alternative, more sustainable modes of transportation (i.e. vessel). We aim to keep our freight usage to under 5% of total shipping.
Our Climate action Partner

Climate Neutral is a Nonprofit Organization Working to Eliminate Carbon Emissions.